Childcare|CHCECE002 #2 - Provide opportunities to meet each child's need for sleep, rest and relaxation

學習筆記 Childcare

Ensure the health and safety of children

#2 - Provide opportunities to meet each child's need for sleep, rest and relaxation

baby resting

.ensure sleep & rest practices are consistent with approved standards and meet children's individual needs

.provide appropriate quiet play activities for children who do not sleep / rest

.respect children's needs for privacy (toileting, dressing, undressing times)

.ensure clothing needs and preferences are met

promote comfort, safety and protection within the scope of the service requirements for children's health & safety

.share information about children's rest + sleep with families

    # Sleep and rest practice

    .adequate sleep & rest: restore energy levels & ensure overall health + wellbeing

    .each service should provide time and appropriate routines to allow children to slow down, rest, relax, sleep

    .individual children's sleep and rest needs vary

    .require regular daytime sleep

    .as the children get older, the need for sleep may lessen

    .discuss with family to reach mutual decisions about the sleep and rest needs

    .force tired children to stay awake, try to make them sleep if they are not tired is inappropriate and goes against required standards for children's care

    .have similar routines at home and at the service may make it easier for the child to transition between home and the service

    NQS 2.1.1 

    Each child's comfort is provided for, including appropriate opportunities to meet each child's need for sleep, rest and relaxation

    National Regulations - Regulation 81 

    The approved provider of an ECEC service must take reasonable steps to ensure that the needs for sleep and rest of children being educated and cared for by the service are met, having regard to the ages, development stages and individual needs of the children

    sleeping baby

    # Encourage sleep and rest


        slowing the pace down

        putting on soothing music

        > dimming the lights

        > lowering voices

    .children are not forced to lie down and close their eyes, but should be encouraged to engage in a quiet activity

            > e.g. reading, jigsaw puzzles, small construction, drawing

            > separate sleep and rest areas slightly or put up visual barrier between them

    .require adequate supervision at all times

    National Regulations - Regulation 115 

    The approved provider of a centre-based service must ensure that the ECEC service premises (including toilets and nappy change facilities) are designed and maintained in a way that facilitates supervision of children at all times that they are being educated and cared for by the service, having regard to the need to maintain the rights and dignity of the children

    # Respect children's privacy needs

    .children mature and become more conscious of their bodies → often require more privacy (during toileting, dressing, undressing)

    .staff need to be sensitive to and respectful of their needs of privacy

    .also, need to be able to monitor and supervise their safety by observing through viewing windows and small partitions in bathrooms

    .sensitively offer to help or allow them to request assistance, give them independence and the satisfaction of achieving self-help

    .individual clothing preferences and needs are vary greatly between children, families and culture, as long as there are no safety concerns they should be as much as possible accepted by the service

    # Appropriate clothing for play

    orange t-shirt

    safety issues with clothing:

        > long shoe laces, necklaces, drawstrings, ribbons, elastic loops can catch on equipment

        > difficult items for dressing and undressing 

        > skirts, dresses and scarves can make climbing difficult

    encourage families

        > comfortable shoes (easy to climb, no heels)

        > provide a change of clothes (in case of toilet accident)

        > provide long-sleeved clothing and hat (protect under the sun)

        > name all the clothings



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