

Asian Coming of Age Traditions/ABC互動英語 No. 234

Topic: Asian Coming of Age Traditions




期刊:ABC互動英語 No. 234

#英文原文 + 中文翻譯

All around the world, children come of age - they become adults. It can happen when they turn a certain age like 16 or 18. It can also happen when they start experiencing changes to their bodies. Either way, it's an important time.


In Japan, young people become adults when they turn 20. The country celebrates it on Coming of Age Day. It's on the second Monday in January, and the new adults dress up in traditional clothes for it.

在日本,青少年在年滿二十歲時就視作「成年」。國家會在日本成人節(Coming of Age Day)這天慶祝。成人節設在每年一月的第二個星期一,屆時剛成年的年輕人將會穿上傳統服飾。

Then, they go to a special event. There, government officials welcome them as new adults, tell them about their new role, and give them small presents. After all that, the new adults can really celebrate. They take lots of pictures and go to parties with their friends and families.


For the Teochew people, teenagers become adults at 15. Families have a special event for them on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. It's called Chu Hua Yuan, and it means "leaving the garden".


    > 在潮州人的眼中,孩子就像是生活在花園裡一樣,

Before the event, the new adults have to clean their bodies with flower water. That washes bad things away. Then, they put on new clothes and red clogs, and they give thanks to their parents and the gods.


Last, the new adults enjoy a big meal with 12 lucky dishes. For even more luck, they bite the head of a cooked chicken. That will help them become good leaders and the top in their field. Coming of age traditions really help prepare new adults for the next part of their lives.


來源:ABC互動英語 No. 234



1. come of age

    = to reach the age when you are legally recognized as an adult 到達法定年齡、成年

2. clog

    = a type of shoe made of wood, or with the top part made of leather and the bottom part of wood 木底鞋、木屐

3. wash sth away

    = if water or rain washes sth away, it removes it / carries it away (水/雨水)沖走、沖掉

4. turn (number)

    = to become a particular age 達到/年滿

 參考字典:劍橋詞典 Cambridge Dictionary



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