這個英文怎麼說|居家篇(家具、廚房用具、洗漱用品、園藝、租房 etc)




living room
Source: いらすとや





    # 家具/房子

    Homes, Rooms and Furniture
    Source: English for Everyone

    .apartment block (US) / block of flats (UK) 公寓樓

    .duplex (US) / semi-detached (UK) 聯式房屋

    .detached houses 獨立屋

    .row (US) / terraced houses (UK) 連棟房屋

    .ranch house (US) / bungalow (UK) 附有車庫的長方形平房

    .cottage 小屋

    .balcony 陽台

    .house 房子

    .window 窗戶

    .door 門

    .roof 屋頂

    .yard (US) / garden (UK) 院子、花園

    .lawn 草地

    .attic 閣樓

    .upstairs 樓上

    .stairs 樓梯

    .downstairs 樓下

    .basement 地下室

    .living room 客廳

    .armchair 扶手椅

    .couch (US) / sofa (UK) 沙發

    .cushion 靠墊

    .rug 地毯

    .television  / TV 電視

    .bedroom 臥室

    .wardrobe 衣櫃

    .lamp 檯燈

    .bed 床

    .bedside table 床頭櫃、床頭桌

    .dresser (US) / chest of drawers (UK) 抽屜櫃

    .dining room 飯廳

    .light 吊燈

    .table 桌子

    .chair 椅子

    .study 書房

    .bookcase 書櫃

    .desk 書桌

    .bathroom 浴室

    .shower 淋浴間

    .towel 毛巾

    .toilet 洗手間

    .bathtub (US) / bath (UK) 浴缸

    .washing machine 洗衣機

    .tumble dryer 乾衣機

    .kitchen 廚房

    .refrigerator / fridge 冰箱

    .freezer 冷藏

    .stove (US) / cooker (UK) 爐具

    .sink 水槽

    .diswasher 洗碗機

    .cabinet (US) / cupboard (UK) 櫥櫃

    .trash can (US) / bin (UK) 垃圾桶

    # 廚房用具

    Kitchen implements
    Source: English for Everyone

    .grater 刨絲器

    .peeler 削皮器

    .whisk 攪拌器

    .cutting board (US) / chopping board (UK) 砧板

    .kitchen knife 菜刀

    .scissors 剪刀

    .can opener (US) / tin opener (UK) 開罐器

    .bottle opener 開瓶器

    .corkscrew 瓶塞鑽

    .wooden spoon 木勺子

    .spatula 抹刀

    .ladle 長柄杓

    .toaster 烤麵包機

    .miscrowave 微波爐

    .kettle 水壺

    .dinnerware (US) / crockery (UK) 整套餐具/陶器

    .plate 盤子

    .bowl 碗

    .cup 杯子

    .mug 馬克杯

    .silverware (US) / cutlery (UK) 銀餐具

    .knife 刀

    .fork 叉

    .spoon 勺子

    .chopsticks 筷子

    .saucepan 平底深鍋

    .frying pan 平底鍋

    .wok 炒鍋

    .colander 濾器/漏筐

    .blender 攪拌器/果汁機/混合器

    .rolling pin 擀面棍

    .mortar and pestle 研缽和杵

    .sieve 篩

    .spatula (US) / fish slice (UK) 鍋鏟

    # 洗漱用品 Toiletries

    Source: English for Everyone

    .shampoo 洗髮水

    .conditioner 護髮素

    .moisturizer 潤膚霜

    .razor 剃刀

    .shaving foam 剃鬚泡沫

    .shower gel 淋浴液

    .deodorant 除臭劑

    .soap 肥皂

    .toothbrush 牙刷

    .toothpaste 牙膏

    .mouthwash 漱口水

    .dental floss 牙線

    .sponge 海綿

    .face wash 洗臉乳

    .toilet paper 衛生紙

    # 清潔用品

    Laundry and Cleaning
    Source: English for Everyone

    .laundry basket 洗衣籃

    .laundry detergent 洗衣粉

    .clothes line (US) / washing line (UK) 晾衣繩

    .drying clip (US) / peg (UK) 晾衣夾

    .iron 熨斗

    .ironing board 熨衣板

    .bucket 桶

    .mop 地拖

    .dishwashing liguid (US) / washing up liquid (UK) 洗碗液

    .scouring pad 百潔布

    .sponge 海綿

    .cloth 布

    .duster 除塵器

    .polish 擦亮劑/磨光

    .cleaning fluid 清潔液

    .bleach 漂白水

    .vacuum cleaner 吸塵機

    .dustpan 簸箕/垃圾剷

    .brush 刷子

    .broom 掃帚

    .recycling bin 回收桶

    .garbage bag (US) / bin liner (UK) 垃圾袋

    .rubber gloves 橡膠手套

    # 做家務 - 這個動作怎麼說

    Household Chores
    Source: English for Everyone

    .to clean the windows 清潔窗戶

    .to sweep / scrub / mop the floor 掃地/擦地/拖地

    .to vacuum the carpet 吸塵地毯

    .to dust 除塵

    .to take out the trash (US) / rubbish (UK) 拿垃圾出去

    .to go to the store (US) / shops (UK) 去購物

    .to clean the bathroom 打掃浴室

    .to set / clear the table 擺好餐具/收拾餐桌

    .to do / dry the dishes 洗碗/擦乾碗碟

    .to load / unload the dishwasher 放碗碟到洗碗機/從洗衣機取走碗碟

    .to do the laundry 洗衣服

    .to hang clothes 晾衣服

    .to do the ironing 熨衣服

    .to fold clothes 摺衣服

    .to make the bed 整理床鋪

    .to change the sheets 更換床單

    .to wash the car 洗車

    .to feed the pets 餵寵物

    # 工具

    Tools and Home Improvement
    Source: English for Everyone

    .tape measure 捲尺

    .hammer 錘子

    .vise (US) / vice (UK) 虎頭鉗

    .file 銼刀

    .ladder 梯子

    .hacksaw 鋼鋸

    .saw 鋸

    .screwdriver 螺絲批

    .nut 螺絲母

    .tool box 工具箱

    .bolt 螺栓

    .screw 螺絲

    .nail 釘子

    .drill 電鑽

    .ax (US) / axe (UK) 斧

    .pliers 老虎鉗/鉗子

    .monkey wrench 活動扳手/螺旋鉗

    .wrench (US) / spanner (UK) 扳手

    .jigsaw 豎鋸

    .hex / Allen keys 六角匙/L形六角扳手

    .level (US) / spirit level (UK) 水平儀/水準儀

    .paint 油漆

    .paintbrush 油漆刷

    .roller 塗料輥

    .plane 刨子

    # 裝修家裡 - 這個動作怎麼說

    Home Improvement Verbs
    Source: English for Everyone

    .to paint the house 粉刷房子

    .to paint a room 粉刷房間

    .to plaster the walls 為牆磚抹水泥

    .to tile the bathroom 鋪浴室瓷磚

    .to fit a carpet 鋪地毯

    .to put up shelves 裝架子

    .to make curtains 弄窗簾

    .to unclog / unblock the sink 疏通水槽

    .to change a lightbulb 換燈泡

    # 園藝設備

    Gardening Equipment
    Source: English for Everyone

    .trowel 泥鏟/小鏟子

    .shears 修剪/大剪刀

    .spade 鍬/鏟

    .hoe 鋤

    .rake 耙子

    .fork 叉耙

    .wheelbarrow 獨輪手推車

    .hose 水管

    .sprinkler 灑水器/地下灌溉系統

    .lawn mower 割草機

    # 園藝 - 這個動作怎麼說

    Gardening verbs
    Source: English for Everyone

    .to mow the lawn 修剪草坪

    .to do the weeding 除草

    .to plant bulbs 種植球莖

    .to prune trees 修剪樹木

    .to trim a hedge 修剪樹籬

    .to water the flowers 給花澆水

    .to hose the garden 用水管澆花園

    # 搬家 + 租房相關

    Accommodation, Moving and Renting
    Source: English for Everyone

    .residential area 居住區

    .realtor (US) / estate agent (UK) 房地產經紀人

    .real estate (US) / property (UK) 不動產/地產

    .landlord 房東

    .tenant 租戶

    .roomer (US) / lodger (UK) = person who pays to live in your house 房客

    .roomate (US) / housemate (UK) = person share the house / apartment with 室友

    .reference 推薦/參照

    .keys 鎖匙

    .rent 租

    .bills 帳單

    .utilities 水電費

    .lease / tenancy agreement (UK) 租賃

    .furnished 有家私

    .unfurnished 無家私

    .open-plan 開放式平面佈置

    .parking space 停車位

    .storage 倉庫/貯藏

    .house-warming party 喬遷派對

    .to view a house 看房子

    .to pack 收拾

    .to unpack 從箱中取出

    .to move in 搬進去

    .to move out 搬走

    .to give notice 發出通知

    .moving truck (US) / removal van (UK) 搬運車



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